Nathan P. Walter
Nuclear Engineering
Computational Science
and Engineering
Data Science
and Machine Learning

Research Projects

Side Projects


I am currently a graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, pursuing my PhD. I am working in Professor Zhang's research group, and have been a part of the group for almost three years. Before graduate school, I attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign also for my Bachelor's Degree in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, which I completed in December of 2013, and before that, I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. In between my first and second year of graduate school, I attended the compuational physics summer school program at Los Alamos National Labratory in New Mexico. During that summer, I developed codes for a hyperelastic framework. The following summer, I attended the X-ray and Neutron Scattering Summer School at Argonne and Oak Ridge National Labratories to learn about the use of scattering experiments.

During my graduate studies, I have mostly focused on material behavior out of equilibrium, studied primarly through atomic scale simulations and neutron scattering expirements. From a compuational side, I have used both molecular dynamics (classical and ab initio) and Monte Carlo simulations to study materials, along with developing a Metadynamics module for GROMACS. Further, I implemented the ST2 water model into GROMACS for simulation. I aided in the developement of a open source package, LiquidLib, geared towards post-processing of atomic scale simulations. From an experimental side, I have participated in several Neutron Scattering Experiments at Oak Ridge National Labratory. On the side, I have modeled the relationship between flexibility and porousity in organic cages, developed a high dimensional (greater than 3) Lennard-Jones molecular dynamics package for dimensional studies of liquids, and used machine learning to explore trends (in Steam User Data, Twitter, and the stock market).


Journal Publications and Reports
  • Nathan Walter, Paul Friedrichsen, Scott Runnels, "Extending a Strain Space Formulation for Plasticity to Rate-Hardening Materials and Finite Rotations", submitted to Mathematics and Computers in Simulation,
  • Nathan Walter, Paul Friedrichsen, Scott Runnels, "Extending a Strain Space Formulation for Plasticity to Rate-Hardening Materials and Finite Rotations", LA_UR-15-23329 Los Alamos Unlimited Release, 2015
  • Zhikun Cai, Nathan Walter, Yang Zhang, "Energy Landscape Statistics and Coarsening in Liquids: A Relaxation Mode Analysis", to be submitted ,
  • Nathan Walter, Paul Friedrichsen, "Improving Plasticity Modeling in Hydrocodes with Hypoelastic Frameworks", LA_UR-14-26946 Los Alamos Unlimited Release, 2014

  • Talk, American Conference on Neutron Scattering (ACNS), "Homogenous Nucleation and Crystal Growth of a Model Liquid from Direct Energy Landscape Sampling Simulations", July, 2016
  • Discussion, The Hacker Within : University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, "Understanding Classification of Hand-Written Numbers with Machine Learning Techniques", May, 2016
  • Talk, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Nuclear Engineering Undergraduate Seminar, "Homogenous Nucleation and Crystal Growth of a Model Liquid from Direct Energy Landscape Sampling Simulations", April, 2016
  • Talk, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS), "Homogenous Nucleation and Crystal Growth of a Model Liquid from Direct Energy Landscape Sampling Simulations", March, 2016
  • Poster, American Physical Society March Meeting (APS), "Energy Landscape Statistics of Kob-Andersen Liquid From Direct Energy Barrier Sampling", March, 2015
  • Talk, Los Alamos Student Summer Symposium, "A New Strain-Based Method for Plastic Flow Simulations", August, 2014